Update from Tytoo Gardens

Update from Tytoo Gardens

Update from Tytoo Gardens

Happy summertime to all our friends and supporters of Tytoo. Webert and his family were able to travel to Haiti and return safely. Conditions there are still very unstable with gang wars continuing unabated in the city. Roads blocked by burning tires and burning cars remain a common sight. Webert reduced the risk by renting an armed car to travel from the airport to Tytoo. Needless to say we are not recommending mission trips any time soon.

Haiti's Struggles Continue

Haiti's Struggles Continue

April 2021 Tytoo Gardens Update - Haiti Struggles Continue… This week we are reading about a gang who invaded an orphanage in Port Au Prince, sexually assaulting children, robbing, and ransacking. It is just one of many gang related incidences which continue to terrorize the country particularly in the capital. Large jail breaks have released additional criminals into an apparent free for all.