Update from Tytoo Gardens

Happy summertime to all our friends and supporters of Tytoo. Webert and his family were able to travel to Haiti and return safely. Conditions there are still very unstable with gang wars continuing unabated in the city. Roads blocked by burning tires and burning cars remain a common sight. Webert reduced the risk by renting an armed car to travel from the airport to Tytoo. Needless to say we are not recommending mission trips any time soon.

Things are going well at Tytoo in spite of the political upheaval. Er-ma, our recent nursing graduate, in now working at our medical clinic. The clinic is ministering to between fifty and seventy patients weekly. 

The elders program continues to provide monthly food packs and medical care to about seventy seniors in the village. There is no social safety net in Haiti and thus the Elders program is indeed a life saver. The church continues to average between eighty and one hundred people each Sunday. 

Times are always tough in Haiti but inflation is very real making a difficult situation even worse. Price increases in food, fuel, and commodities are exacerbating an already desperate situation. Many people surviving on one meal a day and some not able to eat every day.  

Please continue to pray for Haiti, its people and children as they face the challenges of today’s troubled world.